
Genesis 1:26–31

In today's sermon, Pastor begins by inviting the congregation to reflect on their lives before committing fully to Christ, sharing a personal story of a pivotal moment that led to his own transformation. He emphasizes that God welcomes everyone with grace, regardless of their past mistakes and struggles. The focus then shifts to the challenging and divisive topic of abortion, highlighting the need to approach the issue through the lens of God’s love and forgiveness. Pastor draws from biblical scripture, particularly Genesis 1:26–31, to assert the value of human life created in God's image and the responsibility Christians have to support and advocate for the sanctity of life.The sermon delves into how Christ-followers should exemplify compassion and understanding toward all individuals, especially those marginalized by society. Pastor encourages an attitude of grace, urging the church community to create supportive spaces for those affected by abortion. He proposes actionable steps, such as volunteering at local pregnancy resource centers and committing to prayer. The conclusion calls for reaffirming the value of each person as an image-bearer of God, urging believers to live out their faith with love and respect for all human life, reinforcing the message of grace and compassion central to the Christian faith.