
Psalm 111

In his sermon titled "Do I Have to Ignore Science to be a Christ-follower?", Pastor J Spurling dispels the common belief that faith and science are incompatible, instead arguing that they can complement and deepen our spiritual journey. He uses the analogy of a treasure map, where faith and science serve as guides to a closer relationship with God. Drawing from Psalm 111, he underscores the importance of studying and delighting in God's wondrous creation, reinforcing this point with his own experiences of awe in nature. Spurling also highlights the work of prominent scientists like Galileo, Newton, and Kepler, all devout Christians, as examples of how the pursuit of scientific knowledge can lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of God's creation.Pastor J goes on to connect lifestyle logic with God's teachings, suggesting that our understanding of basic life principles, such as honesty and kindness, can lead us to better comprehend God's design. By referencing Matthew 22:37, he emphasizes the importance of using our intellect in our faith journey. J further elaborates on the confluence of faith and science by discussing the study of God's commands, emphasizing that knowledge of these commands is insufficient without practical application. Drawing from Psalm 111:10, he emphasizes that wisdom stems from fearing God, understanding His commandments, and actively living out His word. For him, observing the natural world, embracing logical principles, and following God's commandments are key to creating a deeper, more enriching bond with Him.In conclusion, Pastor J encourages the congregation to incorporate the teachings from his sermon in their daily lives. The emphasis throughout is on the harmonious coexistence of faith and science as tools to enhancing our spiritual journey and understanding of God.