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Dear Church Ohana,

I'd like to invite you to join us as we fast togehter for our Asociate Pastor, Nick Willke, in his ongoing battle with cancer. As we begin this day of fasting, our purpose is to draw nearer to the Lord and deepen our commitment to intercessory prayer. This day is not just a physical act of abstaining from meals, but a spiritual journey designed to align our hearts with God’s will and seek His intervention for our pastor Nick Willke, who has been courageously battling cancer.

During this focused time of prayer and reflection, we are setting aside the normal daily routine to dedicate ourselves wholly to seeking God’s presence. Our fast serves to heighten our spiritual sensitivity and effectiveness in prayer, enabling us to intercede more fervently and purposefully for Nick, Melissa, Ayla, and Archie.

To guide and enrich this experience, we encourage you to explore the chapter on fasting from Richard Foster’s insightful book, Celebration of Discipline. This chapter, which provides a profound understanding of fasting as a spiritual discipline, is available for you in printed form on the back table of the church. For those who prefer a digital format, it can be accessed at the following link: Celebration of Disciplines, chapter 4. Also, I've attached a fasting guide to help you with specific requests during the times when you skip a meal to pray. 

I’m praying that this day of fasting and prayer fosters unity within our community, brings us closer to the Lord, and empowers our support of Pastor Nick and his family with unwavering faith and compassion.

In sub-mission,

Pastor J

Why Fast? 

Fasting is a biblical practice. Jesus said, “when you fast.” In other words, He was expecting that we would fast. Fasting helps us to focus our hearts and minds on God. It is a way to humble ourselves before the Lord, seeking His face and His will. As we fast, we are reminded of our dependence on God and our trust in His power to heal and restore.

How can you Participate

Choose Your Fast: You may choose to fast from food entirely, or you may opt for a partial fast (for example, fasting from one or two meals, or abstaining from certain types of food). If you have health concerns, please consult with a medical professional before participating.


Dedicate time throughout the day to pray specifically for Pastor Nick’s healing, for strength and comfort for his family, and for wisdom and guidance for his medical team. Use Scriptures that affirm God’s healing power and provision.

Reflect on God’s Promises

Meditate on the truths we have learned from the story of Ruth and Boaz. Remember that just as Boaz provided for Ruth and Naomi, Jesus is our ultimate Provider and Healer. Trust in His promises and His perfect timing.

Join with others: If possible, pray with a family member or friend, ideally someone from the church family to pray for Pastor Nick.

Scripture for Encouragement

James 5:14–15: “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.”

Psalm 103:2–3: “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.”

Let’s come together in faith, trusting that our Redeemer lives and that He is with us every step of the way. As we fast and pray, let’s believe that God can and will do mighty things in Pastor Nick’s life.

Pray about your participation this week. And I hope you will accept this invitation.