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Today’s reading—Genesis 8–11—highlights God’s faithfulness and humanity’s tendency to wander.

God saved Noah and his family because Noah pleased Him (6:8). After the flood, God made a promise to Noah that He would never again destroy the earth by flood. God also commanded Noah and his family to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” (9:1).

However, over time, humanity rebelled against God’s command. Instead of spreading out and filling the earth, the people decided to build a great city and a tower so impressive that no one would want to leave (11:4). This directly contradicted God’s plan for them to disperse across the land. Once again, humanity demonstrated its desire for independence, while God’s desire was for them to live in dependence on Him.

This ongoing pattern of rebellion—choosing our way over God’s—continues to this day. We want to do what we want, even when it goes against God’s authority. Yet, God, true to His word, did not destroy humanity. Instead, He confused their language, forcing the people to separate and spread out across the earth, fulfilling His original plan.

The takeaway is a question for reflection: As believers, why do we sometimes ignore God’s desires and commands? Why haven’t we fully realized that God’s will is always accomplished? When will we surrender to the winning side?