Today’s reading in Genesis 16–18 is packed with lessons I would be remiss if I did not mention. They are so profound and practical. Here are a few of my key takeaways:
The story of Hagar and Sarai gives an understanding of the development of Abraham’s journey of faith. At 99, Abram is told that Sarai, now 90, will become a mother. This promise most likely reminded him of his earlier misstep—when he followed Sarai’s advice to take Hagar as a wife to “fix” or set in motion God’s promise of an heir. Abram learned from this lapse in judgment that nothing is impossible for God. This lesson in trusting God’s promises may have been the precursor for the amazing righteous act of faith when he obeyed God in taking his only son, Isaac, to Mount Moriah for sacrifice.
Hagar’s story reveals the importance of submission. When she fled Sarai’s harsh treatment, God instructed her to return and submit, even though the situation was unjust. This was not because God approved of Sarai’s actions, but because He had a plan; there was a bigger picture in play that wasn’t just about Hagar’s development. Hagar obeyed, and God blessed her and her descendants. God used the unfolding story in Sarai’s, Abraham’s, and even our development into the people He desires us all to be. This event reminds us that submitting to God’s plan, even in difficult circumstances with difficult, imperfect people, can be used to shape us for His purposes.
These chapters are wrought with the importance of names.
In chapter 18, we see God’s willingness to extend mercy through His dialogue with Abraham about Sodom. God agrees to spare the city if only ten righteous people can be found. This highlights His great love and mercy for humanity. It also brings to mind Jesus’s parable of the one lost sheep—God’s love is so great that even the one is highly valued by Him in a crowd.
Encouragement for Today
These chapters remind us of God’s faithfulness, compassion, and transformative power in our lives. Whether we are struggling with failures, navigating difficult circumstances, or needing reminders of His mercy, we can trust that God listens, sees, and loves us deeply.