Today, I began my journey through the Bible again, starting with Genesis 1–3. This year, I am using the ESV (English Standard Version) for my daily readings, which has already provided some fresh insights.
Two key reflections stood out to me as I read.
First, I noticed the connection between God speaking creation into existence and passages like John 1:1–14 and Colossians 1:15–20. These verses reveal Jesus as the Word of God—the visible representation of the invisible God. This is not a new observation for me, but as I read Genesis 3, something struck me differently. After Adam and Eve sinned, it says, “God called to the man and said to him.” In chapter 1, when “God said,” we know that it was Jesus creating the world. So, it stands to reason that in chapter 3, when God walked in the garden in the cool of the day and "said," it was also Jesus—again embodying the visible representation of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15). I hadn’t previously thought of this encounter as involving Jesus, but it makes complete sense in the context of Scripture.
Second, I reflected on the nature of Adam and Eve’s sin and how it parallels struggles we often face. Before sin entered the world, they were naked and unashamed (Genesis 2:25). But after disobeying God, chaos and its consequences entered their lives. This reminded me of Genesis 2:3, where God rested after creation and made the seventh day holy. This sets an example for us to observe a day of rest, no matter which day we choose as our Sabbath. For me, it’s Wednesday since Sunday is a busy day of ministry.
However, many people neglect this rhythm of rest, often prioritizing financial pursuits or productivity over Sabbath. They rationalize this choice, much like Adam and Eve rationalized eating the forbidden fruit. The result? Chaos and consequences, just as it was in Eden. Is it any wonder that so many, including believers, live in turmoil? The rebellious actions may differ, but the outcomes are strikingly similar.
Just some food for thought as we step into this new year.