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In these final chapters of Exodus—39 and 40—we see Moses and the Israelites carrying out everything God had commanded them to do.

“Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was finished, and the people of Israel did according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses; so they did. (Exodus 39:32)

They didn’t stop halfway. They didn’t settle for “good enough.” They completed all the work—every detail, exactly as God had instructed. It wasn’t until everything was done—not just part of it, not just enough to get worship started while they found time in their busy schedules to complete the rest—that the glory of the Lord came down and settled in their midst. God’s presence came when their obedience was complete. Then, He led them forward when it was time to move and kept them still when it was time to stay put.

If we truly want to be led by God, we must be fully obedient to who the Holy Spirit is calling us to be. No holding back. No intentional golden calf moments. No half-measures.

Takeaway: God’s presence follows complete obedience. When we fully surrender to His promptings, He will guide us—showing us when to move and when to wait.