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In today's reading—Exodus 36–38—we see the Israelites finally carrying out what God had instructed them to do in Exodus 25–30—constructing the mobile Tabernacle along with all its furnishings and instruments necessary for worship. The golden calf incident in Exodus 32 had caused a delay, but now they were following through with obedience. Before they could move forward, they first had to complete what the Lord had commanded them to do.

How often does this happen in our own lives? We sense God’s direction but get sidetracked by distractions, fear, life circumstances, or even sin. Most Christ-followers genuinely desire the very best that God has for them—ultimately, the manifest presence of God in their lives. We know that is His best, yet delays keep us stuck in inaction. The apostle James gives us clear advice when we find ourselves stagnant:

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22)

God wants us to get up and get going—we must listen to Him and take action in areas where He is calling us to align with His perfect will. After the golden calf incident, the Israelites had to go through a process: Moses interceded, laws were re-established, and consequences were dealt with. Only then did they return to obedience.

When you find yourself spiritually stuck, ask:

  • Is it fear? Name that fear.
  • Is it distraction? Prioritize your focus.
  • Is it sin? Confess and repent.

When we trust in God, His grace allows us to get back on track. The Israelites’ failure with the golden calf didn’t disqualify them from completing God’s will—it was part of their ongoing story. Just the same, our story is meant to continue. Claim the promise the apostle Paul gives us in Philippians 1:6:

“He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Once the Israelites recognized and corrected the cause of their delay, they completed the work exactly as God instructed, and His presence returned to the community in a powerful way. In tomorrow’s reading, we’ll see how trust and obedience led to forward momentum, bringing us deeper into the manifest presence of God.

Takeaway: If you’ve paused or been sidetracked in doing what God has asked, now is the time to get unstuck. God’s grace restores and allows us to continue in His plan. As one of my favorite verses reminds us:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Remember, our walk with the Lord isn’t about perfection—it’s about being faithful to follow through.